
    Yale University Team Announce the Verification of a Post COVID-19 Vaccine Syndrome

    A team at leading US Ivy League university Yale has blown the lid off some COVID-19 vaccine safety myths. Their study of 42 affected individuals and 22 healthy controls published on Feb 19th at MedRxiv entitled “Immunological and Antigenic Signatures Associated with Chronic Illnesses after COVID-19 Vaccination” identified a Post Vaccine Syndrome (PVS) or Post-Acute Covid-19 Vaccination Syndrome (PACVS). The authors reported PVS “is characterised by symptoms such as exercise intolerance (felt by 80% of subjects), excessive fatigue (85%), brain fog and/or difficulty concentrating or focusing (78%), neuropathy including numbness, swelling or muscle weakness (70%), insomnia (70%), anxiety (65%), palpitations, myalgia or muscle pain (70%), tinnitus or humming in ears (65%), headache, burning sensations (58%), and dizziness”.

    They found evidence for chronic inflammation, immune dysregulation and immune exhaustion, reduced markers of an anti-inflammatory response and re-enlivenment of Epstein-Barr virus. The study also reported significant reductions in key neuro-modulatory factors, including fetuin A, neurotensin, and β-endorphins. These molecules play essential roles in regulating inflammation, pain perception, stress, well-being, appetite, blood pressure, brain metabolism, stroke damage mitigation and neuro-protection in the brain. Suggesting that their depletion may exacerbate the observed symptoms of chronic pain, brain fog, and fatigue.

    A large fraction of the participants reported an onset of these symptoms within one day of vaccination. Crucially the researchers also found that a subset of PVS participants still had detectable SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in their bloodstream up to 709 days post-vaccination, with some cases showing antigen persistence. Thus suggesting that the COVID-19 vaccine has permanently affected their genetic functions.

    The lead author of the study, Dr. Akiko Iwasaki has been interviewed by the UK Daily Mail, she and her team, known for their rigorous work, are seeking funding to do more research. They are fighting against the prejudice among many medical authorities who have so far been parroting the idea that COVID-19 vaccines must be safe and effective. For example, Dr. Iwaski emphasised that “it is still unclear exactly how common the syndrome is”, but the official publication of the conservative university YaleNews, in covering the Iwasaki’s discovery, decided to suggest without any evidence (and contrary to relevant VAERS data) that PVS only affects a “small number of people”. Yeah, Right.

    Dr. Iwasaki told the Mail:“For patients who are suffering from post-vaccination syndrome, we want them to know that we see you, we listen, and we will keep on doing more research in this area so that this condition can be recognised, and better medical care can be provided.” She believes the publication of her work is ‘absolutely’ a paradigm shifting moment.

    The study was limited to individuals who experienced persistent debilitating symptoms of a generalised type following vaccination. It did not examine individuals developing more serious specific illnesses post vaccination which can be fatal in some cases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, blood clots, liver and kidney disease and significant cognitive decline. In August 2022 the Hatchard Report published an article “Is there such a thing as ‘mRNA Covid Vaccine Syndrome’?“. The Ivy League establishment appears to be just now beginning to catch up which is good news.

    If all is fair in love and war, this should mean that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines will disappear off the menu, but worryingly, the Yale Team are also studying bat viruses in order to bring us “safer vaccines”. Sound familiar? The Wuhan Virology Institute (WVI) published a paper in Cell last week entitled “Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor“. The HKU5-CoV virus which WVI ‘found’ in bats can apparently infect humans, raising alarm bells. Not to worry though, whilst most US stocks fell last week, Pfizer and Moderna shares rose following the news from Wuhan.

    There is an important point that almost everyone making health decisions for us appears to be missing. There is a common thread to COVID-19 vaccines. They are designed to penetrate the cell membrane and alter functions which are fundamental to human health. In this crucial sense they do not fit with any definition of a vaccine used before the pandemic. Given the central cell location of their action, the possibility of a general adverse mRNA and adenovirus vaccine syndrome should have immediately sprung to mind. 

    The crucial factor that blinded medical authorities to this possibility was their faith in the ‘biotechnology miracle’, a belief that has been carefully curated over years by those profiting from the biotech industry. If the authorities had stuck to their knitting and actually read the results reported in published papers they would have had a different view. They would have realised the risk of immune system destabilisation was known to be both significant and serious. The work coming out of Yale has now fully opened a window into the high risk nature of gene editing, whether it affects the nuclear genome or the functions of the cytoplasm.

    The proposal of the New Zealand Government to deregulate biotechnology experimentation contained in the Gene Technology Bill currently before Parliament looks absurd and foolhardy in the light of the results released by the Yale team this week.

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